DC’s hallowed halls have been a premier destination for creators throughout the company's history. However, just like the industry as a whole, DC hasn't always had a wide swath of creators who reflect their readership. In spite of that, there have been some truly brilliant Black female creators who have blazed a trail, creating a space for themselves and those who would come after. This week's House of List-ery is celebrating those women and the work they've created at DC. Running the gamut from new graphic novels, acclaimed miniseries and classic runs on in-continuity titles, there are a ton of wonderful comics for you to read this Black History Month and all year round.

Nubia and the Amazons / Nubia: Queen of the Amazons
I've often sung the praises of this series from superhero comics superstar (and former DC.com contributor) Stephanie Williams and the prolific and trailblazing artist Alitha Martinez, and for good reason. Breaking out of a vibrant moment of Amazonian precedence, led by the legendary Vita Ayala and DC Editor-in-Chief Marie Javins, Nubia & the Amazons and its follow-up, Nubia: Queen of the Amazons, represent all that DC comic books can be with a lore-heavy, action-packed reimagining of a beloved character who had been kept in the shadows for far too long. These are superhero comics that perfectly blend mythology with adventure, action with heart, and radical storytelling with stunning art. If you aren't already a Nubia fan, then these two titles will make you one and will introduce you to two fantastic women making incredible comics.

Far Sector
This stunning science-fiction yarn comes from the mind of the bestselling, Nebula Award-winning author N. K. Jemisin alongside the groundbreaking vision of top tier artist Jamal Campbell. Bringing the stunning storytelling that she showcased in books like The Broken Earth Trilogy and The Killing Moon, Jemisin crafts an engaging deep space murder mystery in Far Sector centered around a delightful new Green Lantern recruit, Sojourner "Jo" Mullein. This is one of the best Green Lantern comics of all time, mixing cosmic space action with a thrilling mystery that, like all of Jemisin's work, has something vital to say. It helps that Campbell brings Jo and her world to life with some of the most gorgeous and unique art we've seen in the main DC Universe for ages.

Nubia: Real One
Award-winning Wash Day Diaries artist Robyn Smith teams up with the acclaimed author of A Blade So Black, L.L. McKinney, for this vibrant coming-of-age story that reimagines the origins of the iconic DC hero Nubia. One of the loveliest DC Young Adult graphic novels we've gotten so far, Smith's organic, fluid art brings a sense of life and vibrancy to the DC Universe as McKinney crafts a gorgeous tale that gives Nubia a story and journey of her own. If you're not already familiar with Nubia, this is a great place to start. Or if you've got a reader in your life who is struggling to find a comic that can introduce them to the world of DC without worrying about decades of continuity, Nubia: Real One is a fantastic jumping on point. And if you're already a DC lover and haven't tried the awesome YA line yet, then this is a perfect place to begin exploring some of DC's best offerings.

Teen Titans
Felicia D. Henderson worked on such beloved shows as Moesha, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Sister Sister and Fringe before she took on DC's heroic youngsters, the Teen Titans. Her twelve-issue run, kicking off with 2009’s Teen Titans #75, was controversial at the time of release, but in 2024, it feels vastly ahead of its time. Though Joe Bennett and Jose Luis' sometimes racy art doesn't always fit with the youth-focused story, Henderson spends time building friendships and conflict between the team. The story sees the teens as just that, teens, as well as all-powered superheroes. Tales like this have now become one of the most successful areas of DC's publishing line, but in 2009, that wasn't the case. If you're looking for an underrated and underread Teen Titans tale, this is it!

The Web
Another TV writer who brought their talents to DC is Angela Robinson, who utilized her experience on shows like The L Word and True Blood, as well as her work as a director—she would later go on to write and direct Professor Marston and the Wonder Women about the man who created Wonder Woman—with the first four issues of The Web. Working with Roger Robinson and Hilary Barta, Robinson brings this gritty crime comic to life as the Impact Comics character known as the Web is reborn in the modern DC Universe. Trying to hunt down the men who killed his brother while also battling a new and dangerous street drug, this is a very '00s addition to the DC canon which stars a rare hero that even DC diehards may not be that familiar with.

DC Power 2024, “The Spice of Life”
Yes, picking a story from the just-released DC Power 2024 is playing it easy. DC Power is an anthology written and drawn entirely by Black creators, and naturally, some of them are going to be women. But it can’t be helped. “The Spice of Life” by Cheryl Lynn Eaton (Marvel Voices Infinity Comic, The Milestone Initiative) and Asiah Fulmore (Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld) is just too much fun. Looking in on Thunder and Lightning, the two twentysomething daughters of Black Lightning, as they confront the obnoxious Condiment King, the story is a believable glimpse of two remarkable sisters who clearly share a close relationship that also just so happen to be superheroes. Give this pair an ongoing Thunder and Lightning series, please!
Rosie Knight is an award-winning journalist and author who loves Swamp Thing, the DC Cosmic and writing the monthly gossip column here at DC.com. You can also listen to her waxing lyrical about comics, movies and more each week as she co-hosts Crooked Media's pop-culture podcast, X-Ray Vision.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Rosie Knight and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.