Superman has left Earth in the hands of Nightwing, Flamebird, Mon-El and the Guardian.
The tensions between Earth and New Krypton are slowly rising. The winds of war are stirring.
As our very own Dan DiDio has teased numerous times, 2010 is going to be a huge year for Superman. But just what is going on has not been revealed.
Until now. Welcome to the WAR OF THE SUPERMEN.
This lovely piece of J.G. Jones artwork is the cover to WAR OF THE SUPERMEN #0, which will hit stands 5/1/10, as the DCU FREE COMIC BOOK DAY title, and will kick off an event that is sure to change Superman’s status quo.
What more can we say? Not a lot -- we can tell you writer James Robinson and artist Eddy Barrows will be taking point on the issue -- but we did manage to rope SUPERMAN Group Editor Matt Idelson for a quick tease about what’s to come. Take it away, Matt:
“WAR OF THE SUPERMEN is the culmination of literally years of stories in the Super-books, all building to a destructive conflict which can have no victors. This Free Comic Book Day #0 issue is going to show the readers that no cows are sacred, and that they don’t want to miss this event.”
Not sated? Of course not. Then swing over to TIME’s TECHLAND blog for a few more nuggets of info.

BY: DCE Editorial
Tuesday, December 8th, 2009