Just ask Steve Trevor—it’s hard to say goodbye to Wonder Woman. Yet, after nearly a year behind the wheel on Diana’s ongoing series, writer James Robinson is doing just that, saying farewell to the Amazon warrior with the extra-sized WONDER WOMAN #50.

If you’ve read the issue, you know it’s a bittersweet final chapter…and perhaps not for the reasons you’re thinking. As Diana, Steve and Jason rally for one last spectacular confrontation with the powerful Dark Gods, one of them makes a fateful decision that will impact our hero profoundly. It’s a reminder that war is never without cost and that even our most seemingly indestructible heroes have their vulnerabilities. Yet, Robison’s parting chapter doesn’t feel tragic. Just the opposite. Ultimately, Wonder Woman #50 is an optimistic story that reminds us of all that’s great about Diana—especially her love for humanity and her willingness to hold on to hope.

With his final issue now on stands, we thought we’d check in with Robinson to see what it feels like to say goodbye, while asking a few questions about his contributions to Wonder Woman’s legacy.

You’ve been writing Wonder Woman for nearly a year. How does it feel to be saying goodbye to the character?

Bittersweet. It’s time to move on, but I’ll miss writing about Wonder Woman, Steve and Jason.

You started your run during what was easily one of Wonder Woman’s best years in history. It was her 75th Anniversary celebration, the Gal Gadot movie was released and Greg Rucka’s relaunch of Wonder Woman during Rebirth was really acclaimed. What was it like coming aboard at such a significant time?

Nerve-wracking. The Rucka/Sharp run was so well-received, so I knew there would be more than a few fans who wouldn’t like my approach. Not necessarily because it was better or worse, but more so just because it was different. However, knowing that going in, I was ready. I was just eager to do a good job that honored the character, was true to my sensibilities, and true to the concept of Jason that Geoff Johns introduced in “Darkseid War.”

On that note, throughout your time on the book, you’ve really established Diana’s brother, Jason. What would you say he adds to Diana’s life?

A sense of family. She’s all alone, so adding him in, first as a betrayer and then as a true brother… Diana is someone who guides. She’s learned so much, it’s nice to see her try to impart some of that to him. I also like that he’s imperfect. He’s trying. He’s making mistakes. Sometimes new heroes begin their careers too effortlessly. I like that he’s bit of a knucklehead, but has the best intentions.

We don’t yet know Jason’s ultimate fate, but do you feel his journey could continue after your time on the book?

Well, I left the door open for him to return. In fact, I have an idea for a book called “Jason’s Quest,” which would be him on an odyssey through the DCU. Who knows?

It feels like one of the things you made an effort to do was to tie Wonder Woman more strongly in with the greater DC Universe. Your first storylines picked up threads—like Jason—that Geoff had started during his Justice League run and now this latest was spun out of Dark Nights: Metal. Was that always the plan?

Dan DiDio specifically asked me to do something with Jason as it had been a major plot-point that hadn’t been addressed or resolved in over a year. I was up for the challenge. Metal and the Dark Gods, on the other hand, was something Scott Snyder asked me to get involved in.

The Dark Gods are pretty frightening. Were they inspired by anything in particular?

My twisted imagination. And Jesus Merino’s, I should add. He did a stellar job of designing their look.

Is there anything you would have liked to have done with Wonder Woman that you never got a chance to?

More with Steve Trevor. More with Wonder Woman and Jason. More Dr. Psycho. I enjoyed doing new versions of prior goofy Wonder Woman villains, so maybe more with Blue Snowman? I don’t know. It was time to move on. I hope the majority of readers enjoyed my efforts. Thanks.

WONDER WOMAN #50 by James Robinson, Stephen Segovia, Jesus Merino, Emanuela Lupacchino, Andy Owens, Ray McCarthy, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Chris Sotomayor is now available in print and as a digital download. To read a preview of the issue, click here.