Available while supplies last, your local participating retailer might still have copies of an exclusive variant cover version of ACTION COMICS #1000! Some of the most popular artists in comics have designed and illustrated covers for this landmark book exclusively for participating stores and they all look incredible!
Everyone’s buzzing about the recent release of the milestone 1,000th issue of the comic book that introduced the world to Superman, ACTION COMICS #1000! If you haven’t hit your local comics retailer to pick up your copy, you’d better hurry and get there this weekend! Not only because it’s one of the hottest comics of this week, or because it features an all-star cast of creative talent, nor even because it features the first published work from superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis.
Here’s the list of participating retailers with the artist providing the exclusive cover art; contact these stores to see what they have available!
Album Comics (France), Jim Lee – https://www.albumcomics.com/en/
Bulletproof Comics and Games, Gabriele Dell ‘Otto – https://www.bulletproofcomix.com
Buy Me Toys, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau – http://buymetoys.com
Comic Mint, Felipe Massafera – https://www.thecomicmint.com
Dynamic Forces, Dan Jurgens/Curt Swan – https://www.dynamicforces.com/
Frankie’s Comics, Francesco Mattina – https://frankiescomics.com
Fried Pie Comics, Doug Mahnke – http://friedpiecomics.com
Forbidden Planet, Jock – https://forbiddenplanet.com
Kings Comics (Australia), Nicola Scott – https://kingscomics.com
Legends Comics and Games, Neal Adams – https://legendscomics-games.com
Midtown Comics, Olivier Coipel – https://www.midtowncomics.com
Newbury Comics, Patrick Gleason – https://www.newburycomics.com/
Summit Comics and Games, George Perez – https://www.summitlansing.com
The Uncanny Comic Shop, Tony Daniel – https://unknowncomicbooks.com
Third Eye Comics, Kaare Andrews – https://thirdeyecomics.com
Unknown Comic Books, Tyler Kirkham – https://unknowncomicbooks.com
Vault Collectibles, Dave Dorman – http://www.vaultcollectibles.com
Yesteryear Comics, Jason Fabok – https://www.facebook.com/yesteryearcomics/