Legacy is an important word in the DC Universe. From the very first time that Barry Allen put on that red spandex, he was stepping into the legacy of Jay Garrick. Many characters can handle the responsibility and some can’t. This month all the DC collected editions that I suggest you pick up, have one thing in common: Legacy.


I still can remember the day that I met Kyle Rayner. In a spinner rack in a big box store, the cover to GREEN LANTERN #51 screamed out to me. It read, “The all new Green Lantern, it all begins here!”

At the time, I had no idea who Green Lantern was. But this cover called out to me and so I bought it. The adventures of Kyle Rayner had me from page one. Here was a kid that had no idea about the cosmic DC Universe that he had just walked into.

This collected edition by Ron Marz and Darryl Banks introduces us to the character that stumbles into the legacy of Hal Jordan. Kyle is a little bit of a loser, but he’s a visionary artist. His creative mind allows him to create constructs and weapons far more impressive than Hal Jordan ever did. Soon he comes across Superman, Mongul and a terrible tragedy, all while trying to live up to the ringslinger that preceded him.

Kyle Rayner is the perfect character to experience the DC Universe with. He takes the reader’s point of view and through many issues, you slowly begin to fall in love with Kyle. I am beyond excited that DC is finally collecting his run because Kyle Rayner has been my favorite Green Lantern for years. And if you pick up this collected edition, he might soon become yours as well.


It’s a nice surprise when comic fans can still managed to get amazed by a super hero universe with over 79 years of history. It makes the characters in the universe feel young and vibrant again. Learning that there is a Super-Man of China, like I did with New Super-Man, gave me a nice tingle of excitement. Plus, Kong Kenan is very similar to Kyle Rayner. He also has very big legacy to live up to.

New Super-Man Vol. 2 expands the world of Kenan quite a bit. We now know about the Justice League of China, but what would happen if this New Super-Man crossed paths with characters that call Metropolis home? Well, that’s exactly what this volume delivers. Not only does Lex Luthor, who can speak perfect Mandarin by the way, show up, but Kenan finally runs into the man whose legacy he carries: Superman. The Man of Steel is particularly charming in regard to this New Super-Man, cementing Kong Kenan as an important character in the Superman family going forward.

It’s not often that creators can add important details to the world of Superman, but writer Gene Luen Yang does exactly that. He expands the Man of Steel’s legacy to a new part of the world and not only is it vibrant and engaging, it’s damn entertaining to read.


This is the book that I never thought the DC Universe needed. I’ve read many Superman stories from the past that deal with super sons of different varieties, but I always found them to be quite silly. Boy, did Super Sons Vol. 1 prove me wrong.

When I Grow Up is everything comics should be. It’s non-stop fun and an almost perfect example of comic storytelling. Writer Peter Tomasi rockets the idea of teaming the son of Superman with the son of Batman to the stratosphere with a tale that left me with a grin on my face the entire time I was reading it. The two leads of this book are kids, and we get to see every folly and foil that Robin and Superboy run into. Damian doesn’t want Jon to join him because he thinks he’s too inexperienced; while Jon thinks Damian is way too mean. Bouncing the dynamics of these kids against each other makes each one feel very real.

Plus, Jorge Jimenez’s art is the perfect fit for Super Sons. Each panel is dynamic while the kids’ emotional states are clear and concise on every page. Super Sons Vol. 1 might hold the title of my favorite DC Rebirth title. It’s one of the most engaging and exciting books in a too cynical world. And it took an idea that I hated from comics’ past and made it relevant and exciting. That’s exactly what a great comic should do.

So that’s it! Those are my DC graphic novel picks for October! The DC Universe is full of legacy and so are these collected editions. Run down to your local comic book store and get them all!