Tomorrow is new comic book day, the perfect day to kick back and enjoy some new…tunes?
Yes, to help get you ready for the latest issues of your favorite Rebirth comics, we’ve reached out to a few more of our amazing writers and artists and asked them to assemble some playlists inspired by their work on Rebirth.
Enjoying the soundtrack to the Suicide Squad movie and wondering how the comic book soundtrack would compare? Check out the SUICIDE SQUAD playlist compiled by Rob Williams and Philip Tan. Curious about what sort of songs inspire the lunacy of HARLEY QUINN? Writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner have given us a taste. Found yourself doing some soul searching as you backpack across Japan? Hope Larson and Rafael Albuquerque’s BATGIRL playlist may be the perfect musical accompaniment. Or maybe you just want to share some music with the antihero in your life. If that’s you, Scott Lobdell and Dexter Soy’s RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS list just may be your jam.
You can find links to them below, along with some thoughts from Williams and Larson. Plug in those headphones, crack open some comics and enjoy!
Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 – Curated by Rob Williams and Philip Tan (includes music from the movie!)
I've deliberately given each issue of the first arc of Suicide Squad a Ramones song title. That's not because I'm a huge Ramones fan—although I like them plenty. It's more a statement of intent. In the original pitch I said that Suicide Squad should be the type of book that socks you in the mouth. It should be visceral and kinetic and have a definite punk aesthetic and approach. These are the bad guys, the sarcastic guys, the aggressive guys (and girls). So, with that in mind, here's what you should listen to while reading Suicide Squad. It should be FUN and big and loud and brash. And it should smack you over the head with a really big mallet.
—Rob Williams
Batgirl #1 – Curated by Hope Larson and Rafael Albuquerque
I was listening to a lot of grunge-y music while writing Batgirl, because I was writing fight scenes and thinking about action, and it made me feel tough. I put together a list of mostly female-fronted bands; these are musicians who aren't afraid to get out there, take up space and kick butt, just like Batgirl, and they don't take crap from anyone. Although there are some places where lyrics or song titles ("Trying to Lose Myself Again"; "Double Vision") sync up with aspects of the plot or themes I play with in the book, I picked them mostly for the sounds and the way they made me feel. Would Batgirl even like this music? I don't know. She probably doesn't need to psych herself up before heading into battle like I do when facing the blank page. I bet she's more into pop music–anything you can dance to. And because she shares a hometown with Kanye, she's probably a fan.
—Hope Larson
Harley Quinn #1 – Curated by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1 – Curated by Scott Lobdell and Dexter Soy
Looking for more? You can now listen to twenty different Rebirth playlists, including lists inspired by Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Nightwing, Hellblazer and more, on the official DC Spotify Profile. New playlists are added each week, so be sure to give us a follow!