Riddle me this? What dark musings lurk in the pages of Edward Nygma’s journal? © FOX
There are a lot of secrets in the world of DC and we know what they are. We’re here to tease you with all the #DCTV Secrets hiding in each episode. If you really want to know some of the answers to these questions, check out the spoiler section... if you dare.
Hope you enjoyed the pilot episode of GOTHAM as much as we did. Here are this week’s #DCTV Secrets you might be asking about:
- We’ve seen pearls falling to the pavement before and a young boy kneeling between the murdered bodies of his parents, but where?
- Her name is Ivy and she likes plants… a lot. But is she destined to be the Poison Ivy we know?
- “In bocca al lupo.” Carmine Falcone utters these words to Gordon. What does that mean?
- He’s a clean cop in a dirty town. But how much more is there to Jim Gordon?
Want to carry on the conversation about the DC Secrets? Jump on #DCTV in Twitter and see what clues others have found.
Then come straight here after the show for all the weekly #DCTV Secrets.
Bullock warns Gordon not to dig too deep into Gotham. We could say the same for you. So if you want to know more, it’s on you. In bocca al lupo, indeed:
The Necklace and the Boy?
Martha Wayne’s pearls falling through the air as the necklace is ripped from her neck is an image that first appeared in Frank Miller’s THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. The iconic scene has been used in movies and books ever since.
Frank Miller also captures Bruce Wayne’s primal helpless despair at the murder of his parents in still-life that resonates from BATMAN: YEAR ONE to GOTHAM.
And did you know that Martha’s maiden name is Kane, in tribute to Batman co-creator Bob Kane?
Why are we so curious about Ivy? Because the grown-up Poison Ivy we are familiar with is named Pamela Isley, not Ivy Pepper. This is one storyline that may be full of plot twists and turns before it resolves. Get a glimpse of who she might grow up to be in BATMAN: HUSH.
Believe it or not, “You’re in the mouth of the wolf” is actually an Italian way to wish someone good luck. Gordon doesn’t seem to know that the correct response is “To hell with the wolf!” It should come as no surprise that this mafia chief speaks casual Italian—his nickname is “The Roman.” Find out more about this old school mobster and his crime syndicate in BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN.
Jim Gordon?
He’s an essential part of the Batman mythology. Find out just why by reading more about the man who will become Commissioner James Gordon.
Discover more facets to a man who’s only superpower is his incorruptible belief in justice with GOTHAM CENTRAL VOL. 1: IN THE LINE OF DUTY and the new GORDON OF GOTHAM collection.
Want more #DCTV?
See you next week!