This week, the release of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #22 marked the halfway point of the summer’s most talked about and game-changing comic event, “Trinity War.”
Hitting stores next month, JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #23 serves as the penultimate chapter of “Trinity War” and paves the path to September’s Villains Month and FOREVER EVIL miniseries. In the gallery above, take an exclusive first look at series artist Mikel Janin’s gorgeous interior art for this landmark issue. What vision is Madame Xanadu having? What’s Pandora’s box doing to Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Etrigan, and more? Has Amanda Waller joined the frontlines of battle? And what is Frankenstein trying to prevent Black Adam from doing? Place your bets in the comments section below!
“All these characters have a long story behind them, and have been drawn by many great artists, so there’s a big iconicity associated to them,” Janin recently told THE LOS ANGELES TIMES’ HERO COMPLEX about drawing the various Justice Leagues. “I try to honor this story in a graphical way, so I can give each character his/her own distinctive personality, while keeping the icon behind.”
“It's really exciting, there are many surprises and twists and I'm so happy being part of this!” Janin continued to COMIC VINE about his involvement in “Trinity War.” “This story is going to have a big impact on the DC Universe, remember that this is NEW 52, and NEW things are happening all the time!”
For more from Mikel Janin about JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK and “Trinity War,” check out the full interviews with the artist than ran in THE LOS ANGELES TIMES’ HERO COMPLEX, MTV GEEK, and COMIC VINE.
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #23 flies onto shelves on August 21.