Late last month, as a part of Green Arrow Week, we offered you a chance to win a copy of GREEN ARROW #17 with an original sketch cover by Jeff Lemire. To enter, all you needed to do was submit a photo of yourself (or a friend or family member) recreating the original cover of the comic.
We received quite a few entries, and they were all right on target. Some were fun, some were cute, some turned us green with envy at your creativity, while some turned us green with printer ink after we tried printing them out…but that’s a different story. The bottom line is that it’s clear you guys had fun with the opportunity, and it was really exciting to see so many creative Green Arrow fans out there.
It took a little while, but we finally settled on our five favorites. Here they are, in no particular order. Congrats to the winners, and to everyone who entered, thanks for being such a great fan!