Labor Day was yesterday, which means we’ve officially said sayonara to summer. Sniff… We’re sad to see it go, too. But don’t fret, there’s a lot of good stuff just on the horizon for comic book fans, after all, tomorrow marks the start of Zero Month here at DC. (Well, if you want to get technical, last Saturday was September 1st, so we suppose THAT was the start…but you get the point.) We’re getting things going in a big way with zero issues for Green Lantern, Detective Comics, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Dial H and more! Plus, Wednesday also brings with it the debut of one of the newest ongoing titles to join DC COMICS – THE NEW 52—The Phantom Stranger! As usual, we’ve rounded up previews of all of them below, along with this week’s Before Watchmen comic, BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE #3.
Here’s what hit the web yesterday…
USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of DIAL H #0 and interviewed writer China Mieville.
DETROIT FREE PRESS ran an exclusive preview of GREEN LANTERN #0.
BUZZFEED ran an exclusive preview of SWAMP THING #0.
POPMATTERS ran an exclusive preview of BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE #3.
IGN ran an exclusive preview of THE PHANTOM STRANGER #0.
MTV GEEK ran an exclusive preview of DETECTIVE COMICS #0.
GAWKER’s IO9 ran an exclusive preview of STORMWATCH #0.
COMIC BOOK RESOURCES ran an exclusive preview of EARTH 2 #0.
NEWSARAMA ran an exclusive preview of WORLDS’ FINEST #0.
COMICVINE ran an exclusive preview of G.I. COMBAT #0.
IFANBOY ran an exclusive preview of BATWING #0.
The DC Comics website ran an exclusive preview of ANIMAL MAN #0.
DC Comics’ Facebook page ran an exclusive preview of ACTION COMICS #0.
DC Comics’ Twitter page ran an exclusive preview of GREEN ARROW #0 here, here, here and here.