It’s hard to believe that we’re already almost one full year into DC COMICS-THE NEW 52. To celebrate this monumental anniversary, each day this week on THE SOURCE we’ll be spotlighting a different paperback collected edition being released this month. With the launch storylines of these critically acclaimed series collected for the first time in their entirety, it’s a great way for new readers to join the growing DC Universe. Today, we shed a spotlight on DEATHSTROKE VOL. 1: LEGACY.
“’We want you to write Deathstroke. Are you interested?'”
“These were the words that started everything for me, back in February of 2011,” writer Kyle Higgins told THE SOURCE. “I was in the midst of writing the first issue of BATMAN: GATES of GOTHAM (along with the first issue of a miniseries somewhere else) and holding down a 9-5 job as a sound editor/graphic designer. Still, there was no way I was going to pass this up. I mean, not only was I being offered my first ongoing series ... but it was also one that featured SLADE WILSON. How awesome is that?! Let me tell you-- it's awesome. Incredibly awesome.”
“What followed that phone call was a year I'll never forget, working with six of the most amazing creative partners imaginable: Joe Bennett, Art Thibert, Jason Wright, Eduardo Pansica, Rachel Gluckstern, and Brian Smith (we'll do another book together someday, guys!). The eight issues in this trade represent a run I'm immensely proud of and one I can't wait to share with the bookshelves of the world. After all, in the words of Slade Wilson, 'friends die, family disappoints, but a legacy... a legacy is forever.’”
“I've always liked the character and when I was invited to do the DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 relaunch of him, I didn't hesitate,” added artist Joe Bennett. “Reading Kyle's script made me feel very comfortable in a territory that I like a lot: ALL-OUT ACTION. Also, Kyle gave me a lot of freedom to make this happen, making this a real partnership. And add to all that Art Thibert’s amazing inks and Jason Wright’s color pallete, and you have an explosion of action, violence and ... well, FUN!”
DEATHSTROKE VOL. 1: LEGACY is available in bookstores everywhere now.