That sound you hear is the hushed, excited murmur of thousands of DC Comics fans counting down the minutes until tomorrow. Why? Well, the Second Wave of THE NEW 52 begins with the first issues of EARTH TWO, DIAL H, WORLD’S FINEST and G.I. COMBAT. “Night of the Owls” continues in BATWING and DETECTIVE COMICS. "The Culling" begins in TEEN TITANS ANNUAL. And that’s to say nothing about the release of the first New 52 trades: JUSTICE LEAGUE VOL. 1: ORIGIN and ANIMAL MAN VOL. 1: THE HUNT. Unfortunately, we can’t make tomorrow arrive any sooner, but we can make the wait a little easier by rounding up this week’s new comics previews.
Here’s what hit the web yesterday…
USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of EARTH TWO #1 and interviewed James Robinson.
THE LOS ANGELES TIMES’ HERO COMPLEX ran an exclusive preview of DIAL H #1.
AIN’T IT COOL NEWS ran an exclusive preview of G.I. COMBAT #1.
BLASTR ran an exclusive preview of WORLDS’ FINEST #1.
MAXIM ran an exclusive preview of DETECTIVE COMICS #9.
POPMATTERS ran an exclusive preview of ANIMAL MAN #9.
GAWKER’s IO9 ran an exclusive preview of JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL #9.
MTV GEEK ran an exclusive preview of STORMWATCH #9.
CRAVE ONLINE ran an exclusive preview of SWAMP THING #9.
SCIENCEFICTION.COM ran an exclusive preview of RED LANTERNS #9.
COMIC BOOK RESOURCES ran an exclusive preview of BATWING #9.
NEWSARAMA ran an exclusive preview of TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #1.
IFANBOY ran an exclusive preview of GREEN ARROW #9.
The DC Comics website ran an exclusive preview of ACTION COMICS #9.