In the fourth issue of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE, an anthology-style miniseries, the wild and various adventures of Robotman, Garbage Man and the alien Tanga continue. In “Uncanny Valley, Part 4” by Matt Kindt and Scott Kolins, Robotman’s origins are revealed as he attempts to survive a brutal attack that leaves him helpless and isolated. “Dream Monsters” by Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan finds Garbage Man facing a bloodthirsty and unnamed prehistoric-looking creature. And it looks like there are more where it came from. Can Garbage Man and his old friend The Reverend put a stop to the catalyst for these beasts’ treacherous appearances before they take over Gotham City? And in “Tanga: Besieged” by Kevin Maguire, Tanga battles Za across the galaxy. But will she be able to claim victor before Za’s powers overrule her own? MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #4 goes on sale this Wednesday.
Exclusive Preview of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #4
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, January 9th, 2012