This week, everyone’s been talking about the new take on Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s relationship in DC Comics-The New 52 this fall. Today comes the first look at Lois’ new boyfriend, a co-worker at The Daily Planet named Jonathan Carroll. "Superman is one of the World's Greatest Super Heroes, but he can't have it all," DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee told THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. "Many of us know what it's like to be the odd man out and we think readers will have a soft spot for Clark when they see his reaction to Lois' new boyfriend." “In resetting Superman's story and origin, it gave us a chance to revisit the challenges of that relationship in a contemporary setting,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio. SUPERMAN #1, by George Perez and Jesus Merino, flies into stores on September 28th.

Introducing Lois Lane’s New Boyfriend, Jonathan Carroll
BY: David Hyde
Thursday, July 21st, 2011