But before we get to that, let’s talk DMZ with series writer, Brian Wood. “We just passed the five year mark on the series, a milestone in itself, and we're going full speed into the final year of the series. You'll see, at long last, the resolution to the war that's plagued the world of DMZ for so many years, and well as the story of Matty, Matty + Zee, and the supporting characters (something we've begun in the "Collective Punishment" arc). "FREE STATES RISING," the current storyline, will take us through to #64, and it kicks off not only the final battle for Manhattan, but explains exactly why the Free States Army has been so quiet in recent times. DMZ's been an incredible series to write, and it's nothing without the superhuman efforts of artist Riccardo Burchielli, all the guests artists we've had over the years, John Paul Leon, and editors Will Dennis, Mark Doyle, Casey Seijas, and of course Karen Berger. At 72 issues, DMZ will stand as one of Vertigo's longest-running series.”
Exclusive reveal of cover #64 by J.P. Leon:
Now, onto everyone's favorite cold weather series NORTHLANDERS. “This is a busy time for the series," says Wood. "Next issue will conclude the story Becky Cloonan is drawing, "The Girl In The Ice," then Simon Gane comes in to draw "The Siege Of Paris," followed by Matthew Woodson on "The Hunt." Matthew's an illustrator with almost superhuman talent - google him - and his story will be a high point in the series. Beyond that, I have notes for a short story called "Thor's Daughter" that'll continue NORTHLANDERS' run of powerful one-shot stories. This is the book I increasingly feel I was born to write, and is so completely tied into my identity as a creator. And based solely on the incredible range and diversity of the artists we've had on the series, there is nothing else like it out there.”
Exclusive first look inside #37 with art by Simon Gane (Dark Rain: A New Orleans Story):
So, what’s this about heading back to college? As second semester begins, so does THE NEW YORK FIVE. This four issue miniseries is not only a unique peek inside college life in New York City, but it’s stunning to look at as well. Brian, take it away.“Artist Ryan Kelly and I are good friends and even better collaborators - with Local, then The New York Four, and runs on both DMZ and NORTHLANDERS. THE NEW YORK FIVE is both a sequel to The New York Four and its own thing, and at 32 pages of story (in each 32 page issue), it’s a satisfying chunk.”
Oh, and did I mention it’s stunning? Take a look inside at Riley and the gang:

Brian Wood heads back to college this month
BY: DCE Editorial
Thursday, January 6th, 2011