I eagerly anticipate the next issues of Green Lantern, Action, Detective and Brightest Day each month as much as the next guy, but I'll take a few paragraphs here to talk about a book that's quietly snuck its way to the top of my read pile each week it's been released.
For the past nine issues of the series, David Hine and Moritat not only created a comic that captures the spirit (no pun intended) of what makes the The Spirit fun, but also a series that's very accessible to comic fans who haven't been lucky enough to read all of Will Eisner's original Spirit (I'm about 1/3rd of my way into that epic undertaking myself, courtesy of a pile of The Spirit Archives volumes tracked down around the office.)
And if that weren't enough, I'd be remiss not to talk about the great black & white co-features by guest creators that make up the back of each issue.
I mean, we had a Harlan Ellison and Kyle Baker co-feature story a few issues back. HARLAN ELLISON. Really, the talent they round up to do those second stories is pretty sick. Walt Simonson and Jordi Bernet. Joe Strnad and Richard Corben. Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. David Lapham and Michael WM. Kaluta. Marv Wolfman and Phil Winslade. Denny O'Neil and Bill Sienkiewicz. Michael Uslan, FJ DeSanto and Justiniano. This issue's co-feature is by Paul Dini and Mike Ploog. That's a group of creators that you'd be really hard-pressed to beat in just one year's worth of a single monthly comic title.
Et tu? Are you reading The Spirit? Which co-feature's been your favorite?
THE SPIRIT #9 is in stores today.

Pardon me while I gush over The Spirit for a moment
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, December 15th, 2010