We’ve now seen them but what are the Entities that power "The New Guardians"? Does this variant cover hold any answers, courtesy of artist Alex Garner, who did the ACTION COMICS variant we posted not long ago. Wait, you want more info? No problem. We visited with GREEN LANTERN editor Eddie Berganza for the scoop. Take it away, Eddie: "Readers wanting to know more about the other Entities of the Emotional Spectrum are going to be very happy with what’s coming up in GREEN LANTERN’s ‘The New Guardians' storyline. They play a large role in what’s coming up as well as fulfill a much demanded fan request. So don’t miss upcoming issues and see if you can get a copy of this variant for #54 by Alex Garner that begs you to 'catch them all' which is just what someone (ie. mysterious hood being in the GL) is trying to do." green-lantern-variant