April 14 is a big day for fans of THE FLASH. How can The Source make it bigger, though?
Well, we're hoping you're as excited as we are about the launch of THE FLASH #1. Surely, you've seen the preview of THE FLASH #1 we ran on Monday and yesterday's sneak peek into artist Francis Manapul's concept art for the series? If not, they're definitely worth a look.
But here at The Source, we're always trying to brainstorm new and cool ways to make the comic reading experience a bit more fun. So what would be cooler than buying a copy of THE FLASH #1 -- from the creative minds of Geoff Johns and artist Francis Manapul? How about getting a copy of the comic signed by some of the amazing talent involved in putting the issue together?
How can you swing that? Well, it's easy. Starting 4/7 and continuing during the week leading up to the release of THE FLASH #1, DC NATION's Twitter account will be asking one Flash-related question a day. The first five Flash fans who correctly answer the question will be eligible to win a signed copy of one of DC's biggest new launches of 2010. Think you're an expert in all things Flash? Well, get ready to have your Scarlet Speedster knowledge tested, pal. Not only will I be bringing my years of Flash fandom to the task at hand, but I've enlisted the writer of THE FLASH himself, Mr. Geoff Johns to help me in crafting questions that will will be far from simple.
We'll announce all the legal goodies and rules on 4/7, the day before the contest actually launches. In the meantime, you can prep for the fun by signing up for a Twitter account if you don't have one. Once that's done, take a moment to start following DC NATION, THE FLASH writer Geoff Johns and artist Francis Manapul.
Good luck!

Get a signed copy of THE FLASH #1 via TWITTER
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010