I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the editorial group behind your favorite comics and graphic novels a bit better, so I started asking questions.
First up, Mark Doyle.
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you read?
MD: Sandman. I blame that book for my current occupation.
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you edited?
MD: My first solo gig was Northlanders #17. Will Dennis was kind enough to hand me the amazing team of Brian Wood and Vasilis Lolos doing a one-off story where they break down the art of Viking single combat. It had amazing characters, awesome insight and history and it was a one-off—my favorite kind of comic. If you never read it, scour the back bins for that issue or check it out in the collection “Northlanders Book Three: Blood in the Snow.”
PM: Thanks Mark. And dont forget, NORTHLANDERS #24 comes out this Wednesday.

A quick chat with Mark Doyle
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, January 25th, 2010