Last week, we announced that Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian and artist Sam Kieth would be pairing up for LOBO: HIGHWAY TO HELL, a two-issue mini-series kicking off in November. But did you think we'd stop there? We caught up with Ian to get the lowdown on what fans should expect from the series, which should be just what Lobo fans have been craving. Take it away, Scott: "When DC approached me about writing a book for them I couldn't get the words, 'How about a black metal reboot of everyone's favorite 1960's rock band comic The Maniaks?' out of my mouth fast enough. As security was escorting me from the building I was able to get the guards hand off of my mouth long enough to yell 'How about a hilariously horrifying all-out brutal tale of murder, mayhem and destruction unlike you have ever seen about the main man himself, Lobo?' -- Sold! "And thus my lifelong dream as a comic book fan to be able to write a comic book has come true. And what a FRAGGIN' BOOK IT IS MY FRIENDS. Lobo goes to Hell. Not soon enough." And because we know you love pretty pictures, here are two more Sam Kieth images from the project.

More art and info on LOBO: HIGHWAY TO HELL
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, July 13th, 2009