Amanda Conner
Amanda Conner began her professional art career as an illustrator for New York City ad agencies. However, her love of comic books and cartooning soon led her to the comics world where she initially found work at companies such as Archie, Marvel and Claypool Comics. Since then she has worked on a number of high profile projects spanning a variety of genres. Her works include Vampirella, Painkiller Jane, as well as creator owned projects such as Gatecrasher (with co-creators Jimmy Palmiotti and Mark Waid) and The Pro (with co-creators Jimmy Palmiotti and Garth Ennis). Her work for DC Comics includes CODENAME KNOCKOUT, BIRDS OF PREY, TERRA, a well regarded run on POWER GIRL and BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE. Amanda, along with her artist/writer/fiancé Jimmy Palmiotti, and writer Justin Gray currently work together via PaperFilms, a multimedia entertainment studio engaged in screenwriting, art production and development.