Lex Luthor is having a memory problem.
During the events of House of Brainiac, Luthor connected his brain to Brainiac’s hive mind in order to save the planet. The gambit worked, but in the process Luthor’s mind was wiped and the longtime Superman villain lost all his memories. This week’s one-shot Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1 chronicles the next phase in Lex’s journey, as he weighs the consequences of recovering his lost memories.
If Superman and Lex are trying to recover Lex’s memories, they should look no further than DC UNIVERSE INFINITE. There are roughly 85 years (and counting) worth of Lex Luthor memories in the comics library, from his greatest victories to his worst defeats. However, some memories may be better off staying lost. If Lex Luthor does get his memory back, there are a few incidents that he’d probably prefer not to recover.
So of course, we’ve rounded up six of the most embarrassing right here so he’ll never be able to forget them!

That Time When Lex’s Family Pretended He Was Dead
Lex Luthor has done some vile things over the years, so you can’t blame his family for wanting to distance themselves from him. However, his parents took things a bit further by pretending Lex was dead. As Lex recounts in 1964’s Action Comics #313, his parents took his sister Lena and left Smallville. When Lena asked where Lex was, his father nervously made up a lie on the spot, saying Lex died while she wasn’t looking.
Amazingly, Lena didn’t ask any follow up questions. Why are you just telling me this now? Why aren’t we having a funeral? Being ghosted by your family is one thing, but having them gaslight your sister into thinking you’re dead is pretty harsh. Even for a Luthor.

That Time Lex Accidentally Caused the Lincoln Assassination
In 1960’s Superboy #85, Lex was looking for a place to hide from Superman and 1865 seemed like an unexpected spot. Using a time machine, Lex travels to the past, taking a piece of Red Kryptonite as insurance. To his surprise it’s Superboy, not Superman who finds him. Nevertheless, Lex uses the Red Kryptonite on the Boy of Steel, immobilizing the youngster’s body.
Luthor then spends hours taunting the frozen Superboy, until he sees a wounded Abraham Lincoln being rushed to the Peterson House. Luthor then realizes that Superboy had traveled back in time to stop the Lincoln assassination and he had accidentally prevented him. Realizing what he had done, Luthor is overwhelmed with guilt.
“I’m responsible for many crimes, but this is the worst of all!” he sadly exclaims. “Lincoln’s blood is on my hands! I-I’m sorry…sorry…sorry.”

That Time Lex Luthor and the Joker Traded Personalities
In 1976’s The Joker #7, Lex Luthor builds a machine that’s designed to steal Green Lantern’s willpower (?!). Unfortunately for Lex, the Joker disrupts the process, and through the magic of comic book science, the machine causes Luthor and the Joker to switch personalities. Armed with the Joker’s insanity, Lex goes on a looney crime spree.
He shatters his favorite diamonds, robs banks and gives the money to the poor, and galivants around the city acting like Daffy Duck.
Of course, the Joker doesn’t like the idea of being sane, so he steals Lex’s device and switches their personalities back. While the entire affair embarrasses Lex, it was probably the most fun he’s ever had.

That Time Lex Pretended to Be His Own Son (With an Australian Accent)
Look, we all did strange stuff in the ‘90s, but Lex Luthor takes the cake. Luthor discovered that he was dying due to prolonged exposure to Kryptonite. This led to one of Lex’s strangest schemes yet, as the billionaire faked his own death and placed his brain in a cloned body. This clone was genetically engineered to have long flowing red hair and Lex pretended it was his son, Lex Luthor II.
As if that wasn’t ridiculous enough, for some reason Lex decided his son was Australian, so he spoke with an accent. For what it’s worth, Supergirl thought it was hot. This entire plot may feel like a silly Silver Age tale, but nope. Somehow this was a ‘90s story, lasting from Action Comics #670-#700.

That Time Lex Became a Bigamist Because He Forgot He Was Already Married
I don’t even know where to begin with Project Angela. It’s truly one of Luthor’s most convoluted schemes.
As detailed in 1980’s Action Comics #512, Project Angela involved Lex replacing a woman named Angela Blake with a clone. Lex then pretends to reform via some complicated brainwashing and romances the Angela clone. This culminates in a wedding, where Luthor encouraged his best man Superman to give the bride a friendly kiss.
SURPRISE! The Angela clone was genetically engineered to trigger a small explosion when her lips came in contact with Kryptonian skin. It was all an overcomplicated plan to catch the Man of Steel. Lex grew a clone, planned an entire wedding and spent months on a scheme that would’ve ended the same way if Lex had just hidden a bomb in a warehouse and encased it in lead. Even worse (for Lex, at least) Superman survived, making the entire thing a colossal waste of time.
As if all this wasn’t odd enough, Superman had to remind Lex that he was ALREADY married to Adora from the planet Lexor. In all of Lex’s scheming, he became a bigamist because he forgot he already had a wife.
Remember, this man is supposed to be a genius.

That Time Lex Got High Off Kryptonite Venom and Shot his Shot With Amanda Waller
Lex Luthor has many things to be proud of from his Presidency. This isn’t one of them.
Despite the many accomplishments he achieved in the Oval Office, President Luthor never got over his hatred of Superman. During the Public Enemies storyline, Lex tells the public that Superman is responsible for a giant Kryptonite meteor heading towards Earth. In order to ensure that Superman and Batman are dealt with once and for all, Lex juices himself up with a mixture of Kryptonite and Venom.
A sitting President abusing drugs is a big scandal on its own, but President Lex takes things even further. The combination of Kryptonite and Venom affects his judgement…and his hormones. Consumed with passion, Lex grabs the Secretary of Metahuman Affairs, giving her a deep kiss.
Did I mention that the cabinet secretary in question is Amanda Waller? That’s right, President Lex shot his shot with one of the most powerful women in the DC Universe. Three things to note. One, ALWAYS ASK FOR CONSENT BEFORE KISSING! Two, sorry Lex, but you don’t have the rizz to land the Wall. Three, Amanda Waller never forgets. Lex may want to sleep with one eye open…
Does Lex really want to regain all these memories? I’m not sure I’d want to relive any of them. Then again, if he doesn’t, Lex might convince himself to take up an Australian accent again, start flashing bedroom eyes at Amanda Waller and repeating all this crazy behavior. Wait…are we sure that he’s not still secretly the Joker?
Joshua Lapin-Bertone writes about TV, movies and comics for DC.com, is a regular contributor to the Couch Club and writes our monthly Batman column, "Gotham Gazette." Follow him on Bluesky at @joshualapinbertone and on X at @TBUJosh.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Joshua Lapin-Bertone and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.