Each Friday, we'll be letting a different DC.com writer share what they'll be reading over the weekend and why you might want to check it out. Here's this week's suggestion for a perfect Weekend Escape!

Need a bright and sunny graphic novel to throw in your bag or load on your e-reader for a hot day sitting poolside? Do we have the finest suggestion for you! Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha is a collection of the first six issues of the currently ongoing series by Mark Waid and Dan Mora. Inside its pages, you’ll find enough adventure to fill an entire summer. Or fall. Or winter. You get the idea.

We tell you why Batman and Superman (and the Devil Nezha, but don’t worry about him yet) are the perfect partners for your summer vacation in this edition of Weekend Escape.

The Premise:

Your favorite heroes team up in brand-new adventures with an old-school vibe! Batman and Superman are the World’s Finest partnership. There’s not much they can’t handle together. Which is good, because they’re about to face bizarre Red Kryptonite side effects, an undying demonic despot trying to stage a comeback, a Robin lost in time and so much more.

Okay, some of that Superman and Batman can’t handle on their own. But that’s what friends are for, right?

Let’s Talk Talent:

If you know DC comics, you know the name Mark Waid. The veteran writer has written characters like the Flash and the innovative series 52, along with the instant classic Kingdom Come. Waid also penned Superman: Birthright, one of my personal favorite retellings of Superman’s origin story.

Dan Mora, who pulls double-duty as penciller and inker on the series, is an artist destined to become a household name. You might have seen his work in Detective Comics and the phenomenal series Once and Future from Boom! Studios. Mora and Waid have also teamed up to take on Shazam! in his newest solo series.

A Few Reasons to Read:

  • World’s Finest + Doom Patrol = the crossover you never knew you needed! When a Red Kryptonite poison causes Superman to undergo horrifying transformations, Batman calls in the experts with some experience in that area. Rita Farr, Cliff Steele and Larry Trainor team up with Batman and Robin to help the distressed Man of Steel. And that’s just the first issue.
  • Meet the House of Ji. Searching for more information on how to stop the recently returned Devil Nezha, Supergirl and Robin time travel to China in 1600 B.C. to speak to the team who first defeated him. They’re called the House of Ji. These elemental-powered superheroes captured not just Nezha, but my full attention as well.
  • Batman and Superman get closer than ever. Literally. It’s not just the World’s Finest partnership—the two become one in a scene you just have to see for yourself. Bruce and Clark’s combined willpower merges their minds into one body powered by the Green Lantern’s ring. It’s as epic as it sounds.
  • Batman, Superman and Robin go undercover at a three-ring circus. To explain any more might ruin all the fun in this delightful issue with guest artist Travis Moore.

Why It’s Worth Your Time:

With nods to beloved and classic Batman and Superman moments—Clark Kent taking off his tie, the dinosaur in the Batcave, Robin is still Dick Grayson—there’s an old-school feel to this series that makes it very easy to jump right in. You don’t need to know years of DC Universe events—let alone what’s happening in other DC comics right now—to feel ready for this team-up. Do you know Batman? How about Superman? You’re ready to read! (But for the comic book aficionados out there, you’ll appreciate that these adventures tie directly into the earth-shattering events of Lazarus Planet.)

Basically, if you like fun in your comic books, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest is the series for you. No one understands these characters like Mark Waid, while every panel and cover by Dan Mora deserves to be turned into a poster and framed on the wall. Pick up Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha and kick your summer weekend into gear!

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha by Mark Waid, Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain is available in bookstores, comic shops, libraries and can be read in full on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE.

Kelly Knox writes about all-ages comics and animation for DC.com and her writing can also be seen on IGN, Nerdist and more. Follow her on Twitter at @kelly_knox to talk superheroes, comics and pop culture.

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Kelly Knox and do not necessarily reflect those of DC Entertainment or Warner Bros.