Just in time for Batman Day, Zack Snyder gave us another great look at Ben Affleck’s Dark Knight as we’ll be seeing him in Justice League. Earlier today, he tweeted a photo of Batman standing alongside the Batmobile and sporting a new Tactical Batsuit that we haven’t yet seen.
Homestretch. Last day filming Batman in the new Tactical Batsuit.#JusticeLeague #Batman pic.twitter.com/GMJ9aoYVKJ
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) September 14, 2016
You can take a closer look at the photo below, which is good because you’ll want to zoom in to get a good look at that new cowl.
Justice League doesn’t hit theaters until November, 2017, so it may be a little while until we see the suit in action. But it’s safe to say that we can’t wait! What about you? Let us know your thoughts on the new suit below!