DC COMICS ran an exclusive preview of GRAYSON #10 and EFFIGY #7

USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of FABLES VOL 22 #150

FREAK SUGAR ran an exclusive preview of CYBORG #1

AV CLUB ran an exclusive preview of WE ARE ROBIN #2  

COMICS ALLIANCE ran an exclusive preview of PREZ #2

COMIC VINE ran an exclusive preview of AQUAMAN #42

MULTIVERSITY COMICS ran an exclusive preview of DEATHSTROKE #8

GAMMA SQUAD ran an exclusive preview of THE FLASH #42

EXAMINER.COM ran an exclusive preview of GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT #7

HITFIX ran an exclusive preview of HARLEY QUINN AND POWER GIRL #2

CBS MAN CAVE ran an exclusive preview of JUSTICE LEAGUE 3001 #2

CBR ran an exclusive preview of SINESTRO #13

NERDIST ran an exclusive preview of TEEN TITANS #10

COMICBOOK.COM ran an exclusive preview of WONDER WOMAN #42