A church is a safe place to share some secrets, right?

What a way to hit the mid-season hiatus!  Here are this week's #DCTV Secrets you might be asking about:

  • Trouble for the Newcastle Crew?
  • Are Constantine and Anne-Marie married?


  1. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 1 - "Pilot"
  2. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 2 - "The Darkness Beneath"
  3. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 3 - "The Devil's Vinyl"
  4. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 4 - "A Feast For Friends"
  5. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 5 - "Danse Vadou"
  6. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 6 - "The Rage of Caliban"
  7. The #DCTV Secrets of CONSTANTINE Episode 7 - "Blessed Are the Damned"

Want to carry on the conversation?  Jump on #DCTV in Twitter and see what clues others have found.


 Don’t delve further into the dark arts if you want to stay spoiler free.  But you know you’re going to.  You’ve been warned.









It ain’t pretty.  It’s an invunche.

Nothing spells trouble like a demon with a vendetta.  And that seems to be the case with these nasty pieces of work.  And boy, does this look like bad news for the Newcastle Crew.  Speaking of spelling—try running invunche through your spellchecker/autocorrect and see what results you get.  Let us know below!  

Wondering about the invunche’s connection to Anne-Marie and where it might lead?  Read on.

A royal marriage?

Yes and no.  Of course Constantine and Anne-Marie aren’t married.  But did you know that King of Greece, Constantine, married Anne-Marie of Denmark?  Does it mean anything to our John Constantine and his old Newcastle mate Sister Anne-Marie?  Absolutely not.  But part of the goal of #DCTV Secrets is to bring you inside information that helps you win the water cooler conversation.  Nobody’s going to top that.

However they might know, if they’re a DC Comics fan, that Anne-Marie (pre- the sisterhood) that Anne-Marie is part of the Newcastle crew, along with Chas and Gaz.  And we now know that the failed attempt at exorcism has scarred her just as it has John and the rest of the crew.  What you may not know is that Anne-Marie makes her debut in the same issue of Swamp Thing: Growth Patterns in 1985 that saw the first-ever appearance of a magician named John Constantine. 

Drop that secret into casual conversation and you’ll win the day… royally.

Still need some Constantine mojo while the show is on vacation?  Check out the storyline which inspired much of this season.  It’s an all-new edition of Hellblazer: Original Sin.

Want more #DCTV?

See you next week!
