Last week we announced DC Comics' massive 2 month publishing event CONVERGENCE which is taking place in April and May 2015.
Well, that was just the beginning. More details have been announced today.
During the 2 months of CONVERGENCE, fans will get to see moments they never thought they would, including what's been happening with some of their favorite characters--Superman and Lois Lane, Wally West, Stephanie Brown Batgirl--Pre-Flashpoint.
Today, DC Comics has revealed some of those exciting moments with the announcement of the first 10 2-part CONVERGENCE miniseries along with creative teams and 10 incredible pieces of interior art.
Head over to io9 and COMIC BOOK RESOURCES for the full details and to check out the art.
Look for part 1 of these titles on April 8. And stay tuned there's more to come!