WARNING: If you have not read THE FLASH #23 yet and do not wish to know what happens, stop reading this post now (major spoilers ahead!)
This week, we’ve been highlighting Villains Month in this column. You’ve already seen sneak peeks at Count Vertigo and Harley Quinn’s one-shots. Today, enjoy a look inside THE FLASH #23.2: REVERSE-FLASH.
In this week’s THE FLASH #23, you learned that the Reverse-Flash is Daniel West, a character who you first met in last year’s THE FLASH #0. So now you know the “who” of Reverse-Flash’s identity, but you don’t yet know the “why.” That’s what you’ll find out in his Villains Month one-shot.
In THE FLASH #23.2: REVERSE-FLASH, learn the tragic backstory behind how Daniel West turned into the villain he is today. You’ll also learn a lot about his sister, Iris, and how their relationship has impacted Daniel. The issue will also set up how THE FLASH #25 will be a tie-in for BATMAN: ZERO YEAR by giving readers a first look at how and why Iris ends up in Gotham City.
The Reverse-Flash arc wraps up in next month’s issue #24 and this one-shot completely sets the stage for this grand finale. You’ll learn the full scope of Daniel’s mission and how he plans to achieve it. Told through various jumps in time all the way from Daniel’s origin to the present day, this issue is written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato and illustrated by guest artist Scott Hepburn (who shares a studio with Manapul!).
Above, take a look at two gorgeous spreads showing the dual identity of Daniel West and Reverse-Flash, and be sure to pick up this haunting issue when it speeds into stores on September 11.
Have a great weekend!