When it comes to defying expectations, look no further than Vertigo.
A mature readers imprint of DC Comics, Vertigo has long upheld a standard of mind-bendingly awesome storytelling with such award-winning classics like V for Vendetta, Hellblazer, Preacher, 100 Bullets, Fables, Y: The Last Man, Neil Gaiman's Sandman (all of which easily rank as some of our favorite comic series of all time), and so much more.
It's a standard that continues to carry over into today, with more recent series like American Vampire and Sweet Tooth to current ongoings like Fairest and The Unwritten to brand new series recently launched—or soon to be launched—that not only Defy Expectations but Fear, Restraints, the Ordinary, and more.
If you haven't checked out what Vertigo has to offer, now is most definitely a perfect time to do so—and we're going to break down why with 5.2 Reasons to Enter the World of Vertigo!
1. The Wake
An all-new limited series by Scott Snyder (don't even try to play this game: if you know comics, you know who this guy is) that explores the depths of horror and paves a path through the past, present and future of the human race. It's breathtakingly illustrated by Sean Murphy and is a must-read for any fan of the genre.
2. FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics
It's Fringe meets "A Brief History of Time" in this new series by writer Simon Oliver with art by Robbi Rodriguez. However, we would be remiss not to mention colorist Rico Renzi, who brings an eye-popping brightness to the series that gives the title a really unique visual style. As lovers of science (Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye, please hang out with us), this series was one we’ve been looking forward to for a while.
3. Trillium
Jeff Lemire writes and draws the last love story ever told. It's incredible and the first issue's flipbook format blew us away. The only thing we're worried about is the possibility of the ending emotionally destroying us. We have the Iron Giant and Futurama's "Jurassic Bark" for that, Jeff. We don't need more emotional devastation in our lives.
4. Astro City
Return to Astro City with this all new ongoing series by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson. Known for its grounded storytelling and fascinating POV characters, Astro City returns the superhero genre to its more Golden Age roots and delves into what it would really be like to live in that type of world—whether as a superhero, supervillain, or just an ordinary person.
5. 100 Bullets: Brother Lono
Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso return to their award-winning, critically acclaimed series with this follow-up tale. We don't want to give away too much, so we're not really going to say anything. But if you still haven't read 100 Bullets, you need to do that right now, just so you can check this brilliant follow up out.
5.1 American Vampire Anthology
There's a story called Canadian Vampire by Jeff Lemire. Need we say more?
5.2 The Sandman Overture
NEIL. GAIMAN. We definitely don't need to say more here, but we will because J.H. WILLIAMS III as well!
What are you looking forward to in Vertigo? Let us know what your favorite new series is and which you're looking forward to the most!