“Just like Superman” – that’s the expression often used around the world to describe heroic, real life acts of kindness, strength responsibility and hope. Superman, the world’s first Super Hero, is such an iconic character that he often inspires real life heroism. In celebration of the Man of Steel’s 75th Anniversary we’re inviting you, the fans, to share your personal stories about real life heroes with the Superman Real Heroes Project.
Your hero might be a friend, family member, a co-worker, or maybe even a stranger. Share these stories about everyday heroes around the world and celebrate them by visiting www.realheroesproject.org. You’ll even find a video from the Man of Steel himself, Henry Cavill, who tells an inspiring story about his personal heroes.
Now you can tell your story by recording a video or uploading one that you have already made. Once you’ve submitted your video, tell your friends about the Superman Real Heroes Project and have them vote on your video. Here’s your chance to celebrate a real hero in your life - post your video now and then tell everyone you know to vote!
Fan News
Superman Real Heroes Project: Share Stories About the Heroes in Your Life
BY: Brandy Phillips
Friday, July 26th, 2013