People are still talking about the aftermath of last week’s BATMAN, INCORPORATED #8, and we can certainly understand why. But if you were expecting an emotional breather after that shocking turn of events, think again. Last month marked the conclusion of the crossover storyline, “Rotworld,” but that doesn’t mean the story’s over. In this week’s ANIMAL MAN #18 and SWAMP THING #18 (which also serves as Scott Snyder’s final issue as series writer), we discover the heartbreaking fallout from Anton Arcane’s attack on the living world. And if you’ve come to care about the characters of these two titles the way that we have, it’s an emotional gut-punch. In fact, we think the cover of Animal Man sums things up pretty perfectly.
Sometimes, subtlety just doesn’t cut it.
Of course, it’s not all sadness and tragedy this week. Doctor Fate comes to Earth 2, Jay Garrick guest stars in Smallville Season 11, “Wrath of the First Lantern” continues in Green Lantern and “H’El on Earth” concludes explosively in the pages of SUPERMAN #17. In short, no matter your mood, you’ll find a great DC comic this week to suit it. Though we suggest stocking up…for when your mood changes. First looks at all of this week’s comics are below!
Here’s what hit the web this past week…
USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of EARTH 2 #10 and interviewed the creative team of James Robinson and Nicola Scott.
YAHOO! VOICES ran an exclusive preview of BEFORE WATCHMEN: RORSCHACH #4.
WIRED’s GEEKMOM ran an exclusive preview of WORLDS’ FINEST #10.
MAXIM ran an exclusive preview of SUPERMAN #17.
MTV GEEK ran an exclusive preview of THE PHANTOM STRANGER #6.
IGN ran an exclusive preview of ANIMAL MAN #18.
CBS’ MAN CAVE ran an exclusive preview of SMALLVILLE SEASON 11 #11.
CRAVE ONLINE ran an exclusive preview of INSURGENT #3.
COMIC BOOK RESOURCES ran exclusive previews of GREEN LANTERN #18 and SWAMP THING #18.
NEWSARAMA ran an exclusive preview of DETECTIVE COMICS #18.
COMIC VINE ran an exclusive preview of STORMWATCH #18.
AOL’s COMICS ALLIANCE ran an exclusive preview of DIAL H #10.
IFANBOY ran an exclusive preview of BATWING #18.
GAMMA SQUAD ran an exclusive preview of LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #6.
COMIC MONSTERS ran an exclusive preview of LOT 13 #5.
The DC Entertainment website ran exclusive previews of AME-COMI GIRLS #1, FAIREST #13, GREEN ARROW #18, HUMAN BOMB #4, and SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES #10.