Six months ago, we announced JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, a new ongoing series from the acclaimed creative team of Geoff Johns (JUSTICE LEAGUE; AQUAMAN; GREEN LANTERN) and David Finch (BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT). And this week, the wait is finally over, as JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 will fly onto stands.
This morning, USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of the issue and interviewed Johns and Finch about the launch of the series, its eclectic cast of characters, upcoming villains, and more.
“It's about recruits who didn't necessarily want the job and were going on missions they weren't necessarily passionate about, but they did it for various reasons,” Johns teased to USA TODAY about the series’ launch. “I love Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman, but I do find myself gravitating toward the underdogs.”
"It's not Batman and Superman and the big, big characters, and we can do a lot of pretty crazy stuff with these guys. People are going to be pretty surprised. It gets a little bit more wild than what you'd see in JUSTICE LEAGUE proper,” Finch continued. “I love the villains the most. This is so up my alley.”
To see the exclusive preview of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 and to read the full interview with Johns and Finch, pick up a copy of today’s USA TODAY and head over to the front page of the “Life” section, or simply just check out their website!
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 goes on sale tomorrow.