One more day until the long weekend, and if you’re like us, you’re probably counting the hours. Well, fortunately for you, it was a massive week here on, with lots of news, updates and sneak peeks. There’s plenty to keep you occupied until Friday turns into Saturday and we roll into Memorial Day weekend. In fact, you just may want to start the festivities early. If you’re a DC fan, there’s certainly plenty to celebrate.
Here’s what went down this week on the DC Comics website…
We started things off by giving you something you had been asking us for all weekend long—a full list of our new creator portraits.
After that, we offered up your first look at the variant covers for BEFORE WATCHMEN: COMEDIAN #1.
From there, we leapt far to the other side of the spectrum, posting a trio of treats to help you prepare for next week’s release of SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES #1. Judging by the number of tweets and Facebook likes these features have received, Art Baltazar and Franco are doing right by our favorite super family. But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself with a look at their Superman designs, character designs and character descriptions.
For those of you in the mood for something a little darker, we announced some of the voice talent for the upcoming animated adaptation of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, and linked to where you can see some art from the film.
Speaking of art, did you see our announcement of the “Darkness & Light” art exhibit? It’s your chance to see some of DC’s most iconic characters in a way you’ve never seen them before.
We’ve covered comics, film, photography, fine art… What else can we talk about? Oh yeah, video games! In case you didn’t notice, we posted the latest trailer to the upcoming LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. It’s your chance to see LEGO versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash and more!
And if you prefer your heroes a little less cute and pixilated, take a look at this preview of the upcoming ARROW, which will be kicking butt and taking aim every week on the CW, starting this fall.
Finally, we end with the winner of our recent Wonder Woman contest. Because it’s impossible not to end the weekend with a smile after seeing her winning photo. Everyone say, “AWWWW!”
We hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend, no matter what you have planned. Be safe and we’ll see you again in seven!