We’ve been looking ahead to Wednesday here on DCComics.com, and it’s hard to agree on what we’re looking forward to the most. Jeff Lemire comes aboard JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK as our new writer and introduces a fresh cast. Grant Morrison returns to the world of Batman in the highly anticipated BATMAN, INCORPORATED #1. “The Culling” concludes in the can’t-miss TEEN TITANS #9. “Night of the Owls” explodes into the past (and present) in the pages of ALL-STAR WESTERN and BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT. Barry Allen mixes it up with some evil sentient gorillas in THE FLASH. All exciting, great stuff. So rather than trying to decide which we're looking forward to the most, we're just going to call it a draw and browse through all of our new comic previews. That way, everyone wins. Hey, that may not make Gorilla Grodd happy, but it sure pleases us.


One thing’s for sure, we weren’t monkeying around with our new comic previews. Here’s what hit the web yesterday…


  • USA TODAY ran an exclusive preview of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #9 and interviewed writer Jeff Lemire.


  • ROLLING STONE ran an exclusive homepage preview of BATMAN, INCORPORATED #1.




  • IGN ran an exclusive preview of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #9.



  • MTV GEEK ran an exclusive preview of BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT #9.




  • NEWSARAMA ran an exclusive preview of I, VAMPIRE #9.


  • COMICVINE ran an exclusive preview of GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #9.


  • IFANBOY ran an exclusive preview of VOODOO #9.



So which of this week’s new comics are you looking forward to the most?