Over the past two days, we’ve told you about the upcoming releases of DETECTIVE COMICS ANNUAL #1 and SUPERMAN ANNUAL #1. The fun doesn’t stop there because today, we’re here to tell you about another member of the Justice League getting his own Annual issue: The Flash.
“One by one, the Flash’s rogues have been returning to the pages of THE FLASH — along with some new faces, like the mysterious Turbine,” Editor Matt Idelson told THE SOURCE. “But surely everyone’s been waiting for the main event, and we’re thrilled to tell you it’s coming your way in THE FLASH ANNUAL! The reunited Rogues hate the Flash just as much as they always have (if not more) -- but this time, they’re gunning for Captain Cold, too! It’s all-out mayhem, everybody vs. everybody, with an even bigger and nastier threat preparing to swing into the fray at exactly the wrong time...
We couldn’t be more excited about this one, and we hope you will be too! It really is a story so big, it needed the giant size of an Annual to contain it... and we’re still kinda worried it might blow the cover off. So please use caution when purchasing.”
To see the exclusive reveal of the cover for THE FLASH ANNUAL #1 and to read more about this 48-page issue, check out NEWSARAMA’s interview with creative team Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato.
THE FLASH ANNUAL #1 arrives in stores on August 29th.

Announcing THE FLASH ANNUAL #1
BY: Alex Nagorski
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012