Lucien Gates is learning the hard way that being a superhero is not all it’s cracked up to be. In the penultimate issue of THE RAY, Lucien must save the life of his girlfriend, Chianti. But just when he thinks he’s saved the day, Lucien meets an enigmatic stranger who wants to cast him as the lead in his new superhero movie. The twist? This man has powers of his own. Powers so intense that they allow him to turn anything he imagines into reality. And he’s not afraid to use them against The Ray and his loved ones if Lucien refuses to take him up on his offer. Written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray and featuring art by Jamal Igle and Rich Perrota, THE RAY #3 arrives in stores on Wednesday.

Exclusive Preview of THE RAY #3
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, February 20th, 2012