If you’re still looking for a gift for your favorite comic book fan, AIN’T IT COOL NEWS is providing a comprehensive resource. Also featuring such items as Wonder Woman pajamas, Batman slippers and other superhero paraphernalia, their holiday reading recommendations include DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 Omnibus and BATMAN: THE BLACK MIRROR. On the Omnibus: “There are more than enough stories here to keep you reading through all of that holiday vacation time, plus the gorgeous stock and hefty weight legitimizes this as a more than acceptable coffee table book for even the most judgmental and fastidious of wives.” On BLACK MIRROR: “While the main mystery of an unknown force terrorizing Gotham, the Batfolks and Commissioner Gordon is good, the back-up story in each issue was fantastic and was an actual honest-to-God supplement to the main story. Jock was simply at his finest, creating panel designs and page layouts unseen in comics history. As for the hardcover, it has all of the wonderfulness I just mentioned along with a peer into Snyder’s brain pan to see how he creates such wonderful stories."
BY: DCE Editorial
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011