Let's face it, for some people the holidays are a dark time. Lonely souls. Estranged family members. Unwanted reunions.
All of which sounds a lot like Gotham City in BATMAN: THE BLACK MIRROR. Want to surprise your favorite Batman fan? THE BLACK MIRROR has just been collected as a gorgeous hardcover and this book makes one sly, subversive and twisted holiday gift.
We reached out to NEW YORK TIMES bestselling writer Scott Snyder about why the book makes sense for the holiday season.
When did you know that you wanted to do a feel-good Christmas story?
As soon as I had the idea - "Commissioner Gordon's disturbed son who might be a serial killer, returns to Gotham, terrifying everyone."
Oh. So this isn't a Christmas story?
What do you mean? Psychosis, murder...what says holidays better?
But, um, it is a book about the reunion of a father and his estranged son, right? So it's a family story?
Absolutely. It's about James Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's long lost son, returning to Gotham. In the past, he's displayed some disturbing signs of psychopathy, but he comes back now, claiming to be a changed man thanks to an experimental drug. It's up to Commissioner Gordon, Barbara and of course, Batman himself to figure out whether he's telling the truth, or has something truly sinister planned for Gotham.
Scott, wait a minute, is this book too twisted for the holidays?
Of course not! Here, David, have some of this eggnog. Relax.
Hmm. Tasty. Well, would you give this book as a holiday gift?
Absolutely! There's lots of red and green in it... Well, red at least. And it's got people standing in the snow singing...well, screaming. And bat-sleds racing through the night sky to deliver gifts of justice to evil doers... See? It's perfect!
I see. Do you have a - excuse me (cough-cough) - do you have a holiday message for all Batman fans who read THE SOURCE? (man, I'm feeling a little...)
Dizzy? Don't worry about it David, it's all going to be fine...
And to everyone out there, from all of us in in the Bat-U, for making Gotham the special place it was in 2011 and will be in 2012, thanks and happy holidays, from the bottom of our (black, twisted) hearts.

BY: David Hyde
Friday, December 2nd, 2011