MAXIM chatted with AQUAMAN writer Geoff Johns who spoke in the defense of Aquaman and his cool cast of characters. . “Her background is really interesting,” Johns said of Mera. “She felt very strong to me, her hydroconnect powers are very interesting - controlling the water is visually beautiful and I felt the character was very appealing. That’s why we introduced her in BLACKEST NIGHT and had her stand on her own before we brought Aquaman in. You know, I think people respond to the character because she is such a strong, confident kickass superhero.” TV GUIDE MAGAZINE interviewed BATWING writer Judd Winick. Head on over to their website to read what he had to say and to check out an exclusive preview of issue #3, which hits stores next week. Speaking of previews, IGN has your exclusive first look at STORMWATCH #3. And while you’re on their site, be sure to check out their list of eight comic book writers to put on your radar, including Joshua Hale Fialkov, J.T. Krul and Sterling Gates. COMIC BOOK RESOURCES did the Monster Mash with Dan DiDio, Keith Giffen and Jeff Lemire, who teased the upcoming crossover between O.M.A.C. and FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF S.H.A.D.E. “The real subtext that's going on here -- and there's actually not that much subtext -- is seeing a little a bit of what Checkmate versus S.H.A.D.E. is about. How the two different agencies compare to each other or how they look at each other,” DiDio said. “The other subplot that is really interesting is, without giving too much away, Brother Eye might want something from S.H.A.D.E. and this might be a way of putting up a big distraction,” Lemire continued. “Trying to slip in the back door.” Fan of The Big Bang Theory? Then head on over to ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY to check out Jim Lee’s awesome sketch of Leonard as a ThunderCat. Meanwhile, WIRED’s UNDERWIRE named The Joker as comics’ greatest supervillain. To be continued …

Everyone’s Talkin’ About DC COMICS-THE NEW 52, Friday Afternoon (ET) Edition
BY: David Hyde
Friday, October 28th, 2011