Lots of big things this afternoon, folks!
ROLLING STONE featured their exclusive preview of next week’s JUSTICE LEAGUE #2 on their homepage. “So how do we get from that world to the world we all kind of know DC to be, which is a one of hope and where these characters are more champions than outcasts?" DC Entertainment Co-Publisher and JUSTICE LEAGUE artist Jim Lee told ROLLING STONE. "That's what JUSTICE LEAGUE is about. It's about showing when these characters come together to save humanity, and humanity accepts who they are. Then there's that transition from that kind of dark world to one that has a little bit more hope and a brighter future."
VARIETY published an article about the widening of the Batman franchise via the marketing campaign behind the BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY video game, calling out the game’s accompanying comic book series.
Entertainment website UGO has your first look at DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS #2 by Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang.
And the day has finally come. IFANBOY broke their six-week consecutive selection of titles from DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 as their “Pick of the Week.” Some upstart named Scott Snyder claimed the title this week with his terrific Vertigo series, AMERICAN VAMPIRE: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Seven weeks in a row of DC Entertainment titles? Not too shabby if I do say so myself.
To be continued …

(Everybody’s Talkin’ About) DC COMICS-THE NEW 52, Thursday Afternoon (ET) Edition
BY: David Hyde
Thursday, October 13th, 2011