Fresh off of his bestselling FLASHPOINT miniseries, industry legend Andy Kubert will be joining critically acclaimed writer Grant Morrison for a special, two-issue arc of ACTION COMICS in DC COMICS-THE NEW 52. Issues #5 and #6 will guest star the Legion of Super-Heroes, while also laying groundwork for things to come much, much later in Superman’s story. And keep an eye out for Krypto! “When Editor Matt Idelson asked if I would be interested and/or able to fit into my schedule two upcoming issues of Action Comics with Grant, I couldn’t say no,” said Kubert. “I don’t know of any other artist that would have. Drawing the latest incarnation of Superman and working with one of the best writers on the planet made it a very easy decision for me. And in this story, I get to do some VERY iconic stuff! I gotta admit, I’m a little nervous... Fun Fact for those keeping score: I had never drawn Superman in a comics interior for an entire issue. I had done inking over Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway for an issue each over their beautiful pencils way (and I mean WAY) back when but this is my first opportunity to pencil the Man of Steel interior pages for my very own!” After Kubert’s two-issue take on ACTION COMICS, Rags Morales will return as the series’ regular artist.

Legendary artist Andy Kubert to join DC COMICS-THE NEW 52
BY: DCE Editorial
Sunday, October 9th, 2011