Today, the final batch of first issues from DC Comics-The New 52 went on sale. Among these books was AQUAMAN #1.
“Everybody around has at least heard of Aquaman, and they've probably heard all the jokes — the same jokes Aquaman's heard — and they have their opinion on Aquaman,” writer Geoff Johns told USA TODAY. “Whether it's good or bad, that's what the book's all about.”
“We tackle what people think Aquaman is already right off the bat,” Johns said to CNN’s GEEK OUT. “He is very much a character that is an underdog in the world of super heroes.”
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY has the exclusive preview of BATGIRL #2 by Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes featured on their homepage.
The second part of THE LOS ANGELES TIMES’ HERO COMPLEX interview with BATMAN writer Scott Snyder has gone live. “It really goes after his confidence as a protector and legend of Gotham,” Snyder said of The Dark Knight in his series. “Along with it, there’ll be a lot of revelations about the Wayne family, about the Grayson family too, and it will all tie into NIGHTWING. The epic storyline will be 11 issues long, really about a war for Gotham’s soul between the Bat and this other organization, with some shocking new enemies for him built out of this mythology we’re going to develop.”
With the first day of October being this weekend, Halloween is quickly approaching. To kick off our preparations, FEAR.NET interviewed writers Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire about their horror series, SWAMP THING, ANIMAL MAN and FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF S.H.A.D.E. “The Red and the Green are so closely linked,” teased Lemire about an upcoming crossover between ANIMAL MAN and SWAMP THING. “So in many ways, both of our stories, even though they're kind of separate for the first ten issues or so, are actually kind of part of a bigger story. That will come together at the end of the first year and then spin off into something new with both books linked again. We're super excited about that.”
And speaking of titles in the Dark family? BLOODY DISGUSTING has selected JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1 as their “Graphic Content Pick of the Week.”
To be continued …

(Everybody’s Talkin’ About) DC Comics-The New 52, Wednesday Afternoon (ET) Edition
BY: David Hyde
Wednesday, September 28th, 2011