Hi, Diane Nelson here with a very special New Year's greeting to all of the DC Nation.
Let me start by saying it's quite the privilege to be kicking off the new year with this column. Over the last year plus, since becoming President of DC Entertainment, I've had the opportunity to meet several of you at conventions and to see firsthand the excitement and loyalty you have to our characters and stories. We at DC have just come off an incredible year in comics where events like BRIGHTEST DAY, BATMAN: THE RETURN and SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE captured the attention of even the most casual of fans, in both print and digital. In looking back at 2010, we have so much of which to be proud. And we're only just beginning!
In this upcoming year we are planning projects and events to capture and explore the depth and breadth of our character library, not just in comics, but in all media. From gaming, with the launch of DC Universe Online, to film, with the most anticipated movie of the year, GREEN LANTERN, there will be more opportunities to enjoy these characters and stories than ever before.
So much of what we do is with you, the fan, in mind. Our every effort is to insure the quality and integrity of the characters and stories you have grown to love, no matter in which medium they are showcased. If we were to make one New Year's resolution for the company, it would be to make DC the leader in all media, while growing the reach of comics to more fans - existing and new. We are taking steps to achieve this goal through new digital distribution plans and, just as important, by keeping our current line of comics affordable by holding the $2.99 price!
There are so many talented people working here at DC across all three of our brands -- DC Universe, Vertigo and MAD. Each and every one of them is dedicated to making DC Entertainment the best it can be. Even though I'm new to the world of comics, I have quickly come to understand the excitement comics and their characters bring to fans. That excitement is infectious; I feel it in the halls of DC, at conventions -- frankly, anywhere someone asks me what I do; I always get the same look of envy and awe when I say I work for DC. It's a great feeling of pride and family and one I know each of you shares on some level. So let's lift a glass to celebrate what has come before while celebrating what's yet to come. It's going to be a great journey.
Wishing you all the happiest of New Years and hope you will continue to join us for all that we have planned in the year ahead.

DCU in 2011: A DC Nation note from Diane Nelson
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, January 3rd, 2011