Inverna Lockpez and Dean Haspiel (CUBA: MY REVOLUTION) along with Mat Johnson (DARK RAIN: A NEW ORLEAN'S STORY) attended the 2010 Miami Book Fair International. All appeared on Comix Galaxy panels. In case you couldn't make it, check out some fun photos of their experience: Author Inverna Lockpez & artist Dean Haspiel with editor Joan Hilty cubasigning2 CUBA: MY REVOLUTION art exhibit: mbfiexhibit1 mbfiexhibit2 Inverna and Dean taping NPR's TELL ME MORE: photo Author Mat Johnson and artist Dean Haspiel: deanmat Mat Johnson on the Graphic Noir panel with Kody Chamberlain & Josh Fialkov: mat-j-kody-c-josh-f1 The outdoor booths: mbfi-booths2