A while back, we unveiled some details about DCUO: LEGENDS, the new, biweekly series that would be set in the same universe as SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT’s own DC UNIVERSE ONLINE, which hits in early 2011.
Well, we’ve got more for you, and some jaw-droppingly beautiful art that’s sure to get you psyched for not only the game, but the book.
First up the creative: On the writing side, we have Tony Bedard and Marv Wolfman. Neither is a stranger to superhero comics, and fans and critics alike have been buzzing about Bedard’s work on R.E.B.E.L.S. and GREEN LANTERN CORPS. Wolfman, of course, is no stranger to comics, having penned inconic runs on TEEN TITANS, SUPERMAN and the legendary CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS – additionally, Marv’s a key part of the DCUO writing team. So who better to take point on telling tales set in that universe?
Artistically, we have two superstar talents handling the covers to the first two issues in Ed Benes and the variant to #1 by Ryan Sook. And while I can gush about them to no end, why not just take a look at each cover? Sook’s, in particular, evokes recent DCUO footage in a way that’s bound to get gamers and comic fans excited:
For the interiors, we’ve got DCU vets Howard Porter and Adriana Melo. And if this sequence below doesn’t get you jazzed for the comic – and the game – well, I don’t know what to tell you.
But that’s not all. In addition to the art, news and all around goodness above, we’ve also got NINE – yes, nine – exclusive screen shots from DC UNIVERSE ONLINE, courtesy of our friends at Sony Online Entertainment. What a nice way to kick off the week, huh?

DCU IN 2011: DC UNIVERSE ONLINE LEGENDS revealed — with EXCLUSIVE DCUO game screenshots
BY: DCE Editorial
Monday, November 15th, 2010