Hey, it’s New York Comicon. Did you expect a quiet few days?
First off, I’d like to give a huge tip of the hat to writer Sterling Gates and artist Jamal Igle. As many fans have said across the web, they’ve done a masterful job with SUPERGIRL and you can be sure their names will be popping up on the credits of many books to come. But more on that later.
Who’s taking over the reins of SUPERGIRL?
Starting in January, writer Nick Spencer (T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS and the JIMMY OLSEN co-feature in ACTION COMICS) will hop into the driver’s seat with artist Bernard Chang (SUPERMAN). As some of you faithful Source readers have noticed, Nick’s quickly risen up the ranks and become one of our busiest and most engaging creators. His knack for getting to the heart of the character – whether it’s the newly-introduced Chloe Sullivan (yeah, from “Smallville”!), Jimmy or the myriad heroes and characters that will populate T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS – and well-paced action are a classic recipe for success with a modern twist. Seriously. His stuff’s a treat.
You saw the SUPERGIRL #57 art we teased not long ago, right? Bernard’s got a knack for drawing Kryptonians, and has put together an impressive resume of late involving a number of key issues in the SUPERMAN family. So, Supergirl’s going to continue to look stellar, you can bank on it.
Let’s ping SUPERGIRL Assistant Editor Wil Moss for more, shall we?
“How do you follow a character-defining run like Sterling and Jamal had on SUPERGIRL? Beats me – that’s Nick and Bernard’s problem! But if anyone can do it, it’s these two guys. Get ready for a deadly new version of an old threat (one with ties to Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul’s run on ADVENTURE COMICS), and a laundry list of guest stars – the promo piece doesn’t even show half of ‘em! So while Supergirl the character has never been in more trouble, rest assured that SUPERGIRL the title has never been stronger!”

NYCC 2010: Meet your new SUPERGIRL creative team
BY: DCE Editorial
Friday, October 8th, 2010