“Superboy had plenty to do during LAST STAND OF NEW KRYPTON and WAR OF THE SUPERMEN, and of course now he’s back with the TEEN TITANS, but he still doesn’t have a book to call his own. Well, that all changes this fall.
“After the events of Geoff Johns & Francis Manapul’s great ADVENTURE COMICS run, Superboy has finally let the baggage that is Lex Luthor go from his life. Returning to Smallville and moving in with MA KENT, Conner is finally starting to feel at home. He’s found a new sense of responsibility in keeping the Kent farm running and of course protecting the town when it needs him. And there’s also KRYPTO, his loyal super-dog. For the first time in his turbulent life, Conner is feeling a real sense of community.
“But as great as things should be, Conner can’t help but feel that all his new commitments are starting to take their toll on him. His girlfriend Cassie Sandsmark, a.k.a. WONDER GIRL, is usually busy with the Teen Titans on the other side of the country, and maintaining a long-distance relationship isn’t easy. (Speaking of TEEN TITANS, I’ve been in close contact with that book’s new writer J.T. KRUL about everything the future holds for the Boy of Steel, both in Smallville and throughout the DCU.) Superboy’s also having a hard time juggling being a good student, making time for his best friend (the brilliant SIMON VALENTINE), and sorting out his feelings for his sort-of cousin LORI LUTHOR.
“To make matters worse, THE PHANTOM STRANGER suddenly shows up, carrying with him a dire warning that will lead Conner to a secret evil as old as Smallville itself, and set into motion his greatest and most deadly adventure!
“And aside from The Phantom Stranger and all the weirdness that he brings, you’ll see members of the Teen Titans showing up regularly, along with a face or two from the BATMAN stable of books (and I’m not necessarily talking about the good guys!). And there just might be a new SUPERBOY/SUPERGIRL team-up in the works (whatta you think, Sterling?).
“The best part is that you don’t have to wait until November for the book to start. We’ll be giving you a sneak peek in ACTION COMICS #892, in August, and it really is a sneak peek. Instead of just previewing the first issue, incredible series artist PIER GALLO and I will be telling an original 10-page story that is actually a ‘flashforward’ right into the heart of all the strange and disturbing happenings coming to a certain small town in Kansas.
“Superboy will hit the ground running, delving deep into what it would really be like to be a super-powered teenager in the heart of rural America.”
ACTION COMICS #892, featuring the 10-page Superboy teaser story with art by PIER GALLO, will be on sale August 25th.

BY: DCE Editorial
Friday, June 25th, 2010