Take a minute to process that amazing piece of Mauro Cascioli art. Ok. Done? Let’s go.
If you’ve been following JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE, then you know some major events have been shaking up Green Arrow and his supporting cast’s status. Specifically, Red Arrow finding himself one arm short of a pair.
What happens when a hero has a fateful decision to make? And how can another hero rebuild his world after a life-altering tragedy?
Both ideas are explored in two special books hitting in March, both written by J.T. Krul: JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE AND FALL #1, which bridges the gap between JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA and the upcoming JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE OF ARSENAL four-issue mini-series. Concurrently, readers of the ongoing GREEN ARROW series will deal with the fallout in a storyline titled "The Fall of Green Arrow," starting with issue #31.
What happened? Who’s to blame? What does this mean for the Emerald Archer and his former sidekick? We don’t know, but we can shine the spotlight on Mr. Krul for a sec to share a few thoughts. Take it away, J.T.:
"I was super fortunate to be able to play a role in BLACKEST NIGHT, and I have to say I'm even more excited -- if that's possible -- about being able to take on Roy Harper and Green Arrow as their stories spill out of Cry For Justice. James has been building to a monster climax in his book, and no two characters will be as changed as much as Roy and Ollie. And, the story isn't even over yet. The title RISE and FALL says it all in terms of where these characters are headed. It's going to be a dark and tragic road for both them and I'm hoping readers will be hooked by where Ollie and Roy come out in the end."
And, because we’re all about giving you guys a tad more than usual this week, check out IGN’s interview with Krul.

BY: DCE Editorial
Friday, December 11th, 2009