We wander the DCU editorial offices pretty regularly, just to get a sense of what's coming up in the book. More often than not, an editor will swing by with a great idea and the bulk of my job is to just nod and say "Sure! Send it over!" This was one such instance. So, without further ado, I present DETECTIVE COMICS editor Michael Siglain, who is fittingly talking about DETECTIVE COMICS. Take it away, Mike:
Want a sneak peek at the latest unbelievably awesome issue of Detective Comics from writer Greg Rucka and artist JH Williams III? Well, check out these pages!
In the fourth issue, Batwoman confronts the maniacal and evil Alice in an attempt to save the life of Colonel Kane (who just so happens to be Batwoman’s father), and the lives of everyone in Gotham City, from a lethal chemical weapons attack. Things have the potential for going very, very wrong for Batwoman—and Gotham. I’m talking cyanide-in-the-bloodstream wrong, so don’t miss this issue! (Incidentally, these are pages two and three of Detective Comics #857, which hits the stores at the end of this month.)
But we’re in a generous mood around the offices today, so how about some more beautiful pages from JH Williams III? In Detective Comics #858, which is out next month, we see a flashback of Colonel Kane under fire. Now, since we’re flashing back to an earlier time, your normal artist might just make the panel borders round, or ask for the panels to be colored in a sepia tone, but not the mighty JH Williams III! No, instead of those conventional tricks-of-the-trade, Mr. Williams decided to change his entire art style for the sequence!
Take a look:
Pretty cool, right? Just wait until you read what Greg, JH, letterer Todd Klein, and colorist Dave Stewart have in store. If you thought Elegy was amazing (and it was!), then be sure to check out Detective Comics each and every month. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Michael Siglain offers up some DETECTIVE COMICS goodness
BY: DCE Editorial
Thursday, September 10th, 2009