From the first mention of WEDNESDAY COMICS months ago, we talked about how we wanted to make reading each issue an experience. Well, now it's on stands and we want to see it as it happens. Fans and retailers -- this is a call to arms. Send us photos of yourself, your customers, your friends, your family – and heck, even strangers -- reading the first issue of WEDNESDAY COMICS and we'll post the best ones here on The Source later this week. (Like the photo above, featuring our VP-Sales, Bob Wayne. Say hi, Bob.)
E-mail your photos here as web-ready jpgs (can you really blame us for not wanting to spend hours watching our computers shrink files? Didn't think so). In the body of the email, please note that you're giving us, the fine folks at DC Comics, the right to re-use these images and post them on The Source. Obviously, keep the photos decent and make sure the people in your pics are okay with you sending the photos to us.
Simple enough, right? So get crackin'. The day is almost done.

Got pics of people reading WEDNESDAY COMICS? Send 'em our way
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009